Why Do We Celebrate The Birth Of Jesus On December 25

Christmas or feast of the nativity is an annual festival commemorating the birth of jesus christ observed primarily on december 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.
Why do we celebrate the birth of jesus on december 25. A feast central to the christian liturgical year it is preceded by the season of advent or the nativity fast and initiates the season of christmastide which historically in the. The birth of jesus is unlikely to have taken place in december credit. However christians of all denominations and faith groups aside from the church of armenia celebrate the birth of jesus on december 25. One reason december 25 may have been deemed suitable is its proximity to the winter solstice.
The reason for the choice of december 25 goes back to an. Was jesus born on december 25. There is no evidence for this date. It wasn t until a d.
The first official mention of december 25 as a holiday honoring jesus birthday appears in an early roman calendar from 336 a d. The early christian church did not celebrate jesus birth. Most of the church realises that jesus was not born on the 25 december yet they continue to celebrate it making the celebration a lie. The reason for the choice of december 25 goes back to an ancient belief that prophets died on the same date they were conceived.
440 that the church officially proclaimed. So then who decided that jesus birth would be celebrated on that date. The church could have chosen another date on which to celebrate the birth of christ. But over the past 2 000 years or so the timing of jesus birth which as the bumper stickers like to remind us is the original reason for the season has generated considerable controversy.
According to his calculations the world was created on the vernal equinox march 25 which would mean jesus was born nine months later on december 25. But was jesus really born on december 25 in the first place. To celebrate jesus birth on december 25th is to celebrate a lie. Believing jesus died on march 25 early theologians pinpointed that as the date of the annunciation when mary was told she would have the baby.
God is truth and we are called to worship him in spirit and truth how do we justify that. Was jesus born on december 25. The reference to adam can be understood in light of another of hyppolytus writings the chronicon where he explains that jesus was born nine months after the anniversary of creation. As we do not know the exact date of christ s birth the date of december 25 for christmas may have been arbitrary.
Why do we celebrate christmas on december 25.